We are the voice of the software industry in Northern Ireland.
Established as The Software Alliance in 2022, and rebranded to Software NI in 2024, by a group of independent companies in the industry, we are the only representative body for software engineering companies in Northern Ireland.
The support from founding member companies has underwritten the organisation for its first three years of operation as it works towards an independent, fully sustainable industry funded model. The founding member companies are:
A not-for-profit organisation, we exist to champion the local software sector, which contributes £1.7 billion annually and employs 23,000 people across approximately 2,200 businesses, as a world leader in innovation. We work to support policy development to ensure that Government and other key stakeholders engage with and understand the needs of the sector in relation to labour, skills, R&D, and investments.
The Software NI Mission Statement:
“We are the voice of the software industry in Northern Ireland. We exist to lobby and support strategy and policy development to ensure that Northern Ireland becomes the world leading region for innovative software businesses leading to a sustainable and prosperous economic future.”