Member Opportunity: Supporting technologists back into IT

As Belfast Met seeks interest from individuals who previously worked in the tech sector and would like to gain new skills for the industry, we are pleased to bring members the opportunity to collaborate on the development of the programme. 

If your business could benefit from access to individuals hoping to find a route back into the sector, you are invited to collaborate with Belfast Met on the programme, which is fully funded by the Department for the Economy and aims to equip people for their return to the industry.

The college hopes to bring together several IT companies with similar job vacancies to develop a course which directly matches these roles. Previous academies have covered topics including cloud computing, AI, cybersecurity, data analytics and software testing, but the college is seeking expressions of interest for skilled individuals in a range of areas.

Once developed, the training programme will include:

  1. A curriculum tailored to the most in-demand skills and technologies in today’s industry.
  2. Part-time, online delivery to cater for individuals with other demands on their time.
  3. Vendor qualifications.
  4. Pastoral support from an experienced senior lecturer.
  5. FRESH, a Belfast Met design thinking module which encourages innovative thinking to solve real world problems.
  6. Training in human communication skills such as presenting, stakeholder engagement, resilience and emotional and social intelligence.

Belfast Met hopes to address the challenges facing the talented individuals who previously stepped away from their careers by developing a programme that will build their confidence, give them knowledge of where industry is today, and equip them with the qualifications currently sought by employers.

To get involved, contact the Chief Executive on to make an introduction with Belfast Met.