2022 Activity Recap

In our first year of operation, the Software Alliance activities focused on establishing a membership base, launching a meeting series with the Department for the Economy, meeting with government officials and preparing for our formal launch in 2023.

Our activities to date are as follows: 

  • Budget Consultation document to (then) Minister of Finance Conor Murphy MLA. 
  • Consolidated response to Skills Strategy consultation.
  • Consolidated response to Independent Review of Invest NI. 
  • Meeting with (then) Minister for the Economy Gordon Lyons MLA.
  • Meeting with Department of Education Permanent Secretary, Deputy Secretary and Director of Qualifications.
  • Meeting with House of Commons Select Committee on Northern Ireland.
  • Outreach meetings with Department for the Economy, FinTech NI, Cybersecurity Collaborative Network, Tech UK, Technology Ireland, SERC Employer event, Stranmillis University College and others.
  • Meeting DfE officials regarding the 10X Economic Strategy and the role of the Software Sector.
  • Launched a series of company briefings for DfE officials. (July 22)
  • Attending information gathering session for the Independent Review of Education (August 22).
  • Digital Skills Task & Finish Group membership (May 22).
  • Meeting Minister Lyons re Invest NI FDI activities (September 22). 
  • Meeting DE Dep Sec and Director of Qualifications (June 22). 
  • Meeting DfE Deputy Secretary and Skills and Education Group Directors (August 22)